Adjusting to the new normal
As many businesses throughout North America reopen their doors, the debate on what our work environments and work forces will look like as we enter this new normal. During these unprecedented times our primary focus at Genesis remains the same, the health safety and well-being of our out working Project Professional Consultants, Employers Clients and our Employees.
Genesis has worked hard over the past 20 years to ensure our Employer Clients, Project Consultants and Employees endure through many crisis over the decades including major economic downturns, recessions, threats of terror and natural disasters. This Covid-19 pandemic is no different, we will be there when you need us most and see you through.
We have been taking thoughtful and strategic steps putting the health and safety of our Employer Clients, out working Professional Consultants and our trusted Employees first.
As things move quickly into the new normal, your business or career stability and success remain our priority helping you thrive. We know change can be stressful and unsettling for many and that’s why we are committed to be there as a trusted and reliable Partner to weather the storm together.
How we can help
Heath & Safety Supplies we will be providing face masks and latex nitrile gloves to all of our out working Project Professional Consultants at the start of their engagements and as needed throughout the assignment. Additionally, our on staff experts in health safety and HR practices will be working with you on best practices for safety based upon recommended guidelines coming down from the WHO and CDC.
Workforce & Work Environment Virtual and remote work stations have become a part of our new normal workforce work environment. We can help you navigate through this transitional period. Additionally, as businesses return back to work we can help with best suggested practices and guidelines that may relieve some of the stress involved.
Keeping you informed We are committed to keeping you informed and updated with pertinent and valuable information regarding work environments and workforce as it’s related to being safe with Covid-19.
World Health Organization (WHO)
Center for Disease Control (CDC)
Need help with hiring As work environments and the labor force evolves, we evolve too. If you need great skilled professional talent to help get your business through this transitional period, let our expert Recruiters get you the talent you need fast.